Leap focuses on understanding how humans connect one to another and what drives them forward as a community. Since people connect with others because of intellectual or emotional interest, the foundation of any relationship is rooted in the structure of human subjectivity. As a machine does, humans code information, processing and functioning towards those relationships that pattern a way of living. In addition, a new sensitiveness and keenness are in play. The key to acknowledging and pursuing this particular sensitivity results in a unique learning experience based on a new teaching method.
The years of experience acquired by the LEAP members results in well-designed projects that will show how reasoning and creating solutions are equally crucial as making decisions because the latter is what prepares someone to face the future within himself and others.
LEAP empowers an individual and organization's resources by providing knowledge and strategies to implement new ways of action and interaction. At the same time, it recognizes and locates the limitations and impediments present in any bond to advise the necessary changes to reach purpose and, therefore, solutions.