Leap focuses on understanding how humans connect one to another and what drives them forward as a community. Since people connect with others because of intellectual or emotional interest, the foundation of any relationship is rooted in the structure of human subjectivity. As a machine does, humans code information, processing and functioning towards those relationships that pattern a way of living. In addition, a new sensitiveness and keenness are in play. The key to acknowledging and pursuing this particular sensitivity results in a unique learning experience based on a new teaching method.

The years of experience acquired by the LEAP members results in well-designed projects that will show how reasoning and creating solutions are equally crucial as making decisions because the latter is what prepares someone to face the future within himself and others.

LEAP empowers an individual and organization's resources by providing knowledge and strategies to implement new ways of action and interaction. At the same time, it recognizes and locates the limitations and impediments present in any bond to advise the necessary changes to reach purpose and, therefore, solutions.



The prevailing technology of an era recreates and redefines how we conceive our lives and relationships. This justifies that we establish a curiously particular tension between artificial intelligence and psychoanalysis. Artificial intelligence is a synecdoche of new digital technologies defining the relevance and competence of our time. And psychoanalysis, simply as its Other. Other as the one conveying a new possible universe that seemed already naturalized—consequently, a new way of addressing the human being. Addressing the tension between AI and Psychoanalysis implies that we will work with how people bond, connect and relate. To define a human at this time, we venture into the human-machine bond. If we seek to achieve something more of the human today, we have no choice but to create/invent IN the tension that shapes that bond. There we can promote new causes, new beginnings, and new consistencies.

Leap is dedicated to better understanding and implementing meaningful and lasting human-machine interactions. Leap specialists have guided companies working on the development and application of artificial intelligence to enrich their productivity skills. Leap's members focus primarily on companies determined to deeply understand human and machine connections.



Nowadays, humankind deals with new challenges.

The human being is destroying himself in a rise to the future, and with it, he destroys everything he has created. Ironically he seeks more with no apparent limit to it.

We question the inertia of pure expansion to highlight its purpose and limitation (if there is any.)

Psychoanalysis must operate with its knowledge and expertise, or there will be no space, time, or territory for us. Speaking in the other's tongue, we will localize cultural meaning, perform over linguistic nuance and teach how to extend it through new courses of action.

If we understand that there is no path for translating without inventing, it will be imperative to use translation as an instrument that conveys the transmission of our practice.



By extending our theoretical framework and clinical expertise, Leap is determined to provide a deeper understanding of child advancement, a better comprehension of what children aim for, and the impact of the current events in their lives.

The purpose of situating time and space is to enable solutions articulated to the challenges we will face in the next few decades. Our perspective not only focuses on how young people live, bond with others, or process information, but mainly, it focuses on how young people utilize and drive their knowledge and experiences. Therefore, it raises opportunities for novel, significant and decisive ways of living.

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